Vinegar Syndrome


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This listing is for the standard edition Blu-ray/DVD combo. The limited edition slipcover (designed by Earl Kessler Jr.) was limited to 3,000 units and is sold out. The two versions are identical, aside from the slipcover.

Amidst a dazzling meteor shower, the Nightbeast lands near a small East Coast town, armed with his vaporizing ray gun and a goal of killing everyone who crosses his path. As area residents are blasted to smithereens, the local sheriff and an ever dwindling group of survivors become determined to figure out a way to defeat this fearsome alien before their entire community is wiped out.

A dazzling display of lo-fi ambition from Baltimore based cult filmmaker and underrated auteur, Don Dohler (Alien Factor, Fiend), NIGHTBEAST immediately plunges the viewer into a frenzy of wildly colorful and stunning animation techniques, homemade gore effects, and awkward sexual encounters. Made for a scant $14,000 and featuring a soundtrack partially composed by a then teenage J.J. Abrams (Star Trek, Star Wars Episode VIII), Vinegar Syndrome proudly brings this regional sci-fi/horror classic to Blu-ray in a brand new 2k restoration of its 16mm camera original!

directed by: Don Dohler
starring: Tom Griffith, Jamie Zemarel, Karin Kardian, George Stover, Don Leifert
1982 / 81 min / 1.33:1

Additional info:

  • Region Free Blu-ray/DVD combo
  • Newly scanned & restored in 2k from its 16mm camera original
  • Audio commentary with writer/director Don Dohler & actor George Stover
  • “An Electric Performance" - an interview with actor Jamie Zemarel
  • “Crashing the Set" - an interview with visual fx artist John Ellis
  • “Shooting the Nightbeast" - an interview with cinematographer Richard Geiwitz
  • “Nightbeast Returns” - archival interviews with the cast and crew
  • Outtakes & Bloopers
  • Visual FX gallery
  • Original theatrical trailer
  • Reversible cover artwork
  • English SDH subtitles